◦United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
◦England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
◦Located on British Isles
◦Parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy
◦The capital and largest city is London
‣ Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool
◦Total area about 245 000 square kilometeres
◦Monarch is Queen Elizabeth II
‣ Head of the UK and 14 other independent countries
◦Prime Minister (PM) is currently Boris Johnson (july 2022)
• United States of America
◦Located in North America
◦It consists of 50 states
‣ California, Pennsylvania, Virgina, Geogie, Colorado, Hawai, Alaska ◦Federal republic
‣ President is Joe Biden
◦The capital city is Washington D.C.
‣ D.C. means District of Columbia
◦Located in North America
◦Second largest country in the world
◦The capital city is Ottawa
‣ Other cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver
◦Parliamentary democracy
◦Official languages are English and French (bilingual state) ◦Currency is Canadian Dollar
◦Part of Commonwealth
◦Officially is named Commonwealth of Australia
‣ Australian contitent, the island of Tasmania and smaller islands
◦Sixth largest country
◦Federl parliamentary constitutional monarchy
‣ Six states and ten territories
◦The capital city is Canberra
‣ Other cities are Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
◦Most known for Sydney Opera House and very specific species of fauna and flora
• New Zealand
◦Island country in the Pacific Ocean
◦Two main landmasses
‣ North and South island
◦Seperated from Australia by Tasman Sea
◦The capital city is Wellington
‣ Most populous city is Auckland
◦Famous for Lord of ther Rings filming locations
◦Political association of 56 member states
‣ vast majoritay are former territories of the British Empire
◦Member governments share goals like development, democracy and peace
Sources: wikipedia.org
◦Old English
‣ Brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5th century ‣ Mutated by Norse-speaking Viking settlers in 8th and 9th century ◦Middle English
‣ 11th century
‣ Influenced by Norman conquest of England (William the Conqueror) ‣ Lot of French and Latin-derived vocabulary
‣ This process took about 300 years
◦Early modern English
‣ In the late 15th
‣ Great Vowel Shift
◦Modern English
‣ Spread around the world thanks to worlwide influence of British Empire and the USA ‣ Leading language
◦Most spoken language in the world
◦One of the official languages in 59 states
◦Majority native language of the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Republic of Ireland
◦Official language of the EU and co-official language of the United Nations
• Accents
Sources: wikipedia.org
Cultural Life and Entertainment
What is culture for you?
◦It arouses emotions and thought
‣ It is amusing, thought-provoking, admirable etc.
◦Theatre, film, music, architecture, dance, paintings and more
Do you like cultural events or not?
◦Theatre plays, concerts, operas, film festivals, exhibitions, architecture contests, dance shows
Which ones do you like and why?
What was your greatest cultural experience?
Which event would you recommend?
What kind of entertainment do you know?
Which ones do you like the most and why?
Which one would you recommend?
Do you like travelling and why?
Where did you like it the most and why?
Where would you want to go?
How do you like to live?
How are you preparing for the trip?
How do you like to travel?
What are your tips for travelling?
What kind of activities are you looking for when abroad? • sunbathing, swimming, architecture, trips around the town, night life
What are your favourite meals?
What are your favourite restaurants?
What are your favourite recipes?
What cuisine have you tried?
Which would you recommend?
Which meal would you like to try?
Sports and Games
Do you do any sport or other physical activity? Which one? • No, I am just working-out, but I like playing other sports
Tell them more information about the sport
Do you like to watch sport events?
◦In TV or live?
◦Which ones?
◦Are you a fan of some sport team?
◦Why this one?
Have you ever watched olympic games?
◦Do you like it?
‣ Not so much
◦Which one do you like more? Summer or Winter?
‣ Winter olympic games
Medical Care and Health
Have you ever been thinking about the topic of health?
◦Daily stretching and physical activities
◦Not eating junk food like burned fats and quick sugars and buying high-quality food ◦Not smoking
◦Cooking for yourself and not eating in fast-foods
◦Daily physical activity
◦Balanced diet
◦ Too much drinking and smoking
◦Obesity and diabetes type two
◦Eating unhealthy
◦Heart disease
Science and Technology
Are you into science and technology?
Would you like to be scientist or engineer?
What are the main trends in these fields?
sustainable and green sources of energy, DNA manufacturing
What will the future look like?
Human Relationships and Family Life
Why are human relationship important?
Are you a social person or a loner?
What are benefits and disadvantages of these both types?
• Social person
◦A lot of contacts
◦Usually centre of the group
◦Favourite person
◦Is seen a lot
◦Not everyone is his friend and could be worth his attention
◦Not so close relationships
◦More silent, more thoughtful
◦Less contacts, less activities, but more intense
◦Really close relationships but only few
What are some moral problems of our society?
Do you want to have your own family?
How many children would you like to have?
• a lot
Would you like to live on a house or in a flat?
My Biography
◦Think about your life as a whole
◦Pick the most interesting and important information
‣ Where were you born? How was your childhood? What were the toys you liked playing with? Some funny stories from your childhood, Where are you living right now ‣ Something about your family, how many members does your family have ‣ Sport, interesting experiences, job experiences
‣ Things you like to do
My Future Career
◦Think about things and subject that draw your attention or were enjoyable in school ‣ What topic interrested you
‣ What abilities do you have
‣ Which path you would like to go
‣ What are your motivations
◦Then think about what could you with that in the future or ask friends and discuss it with them
Job Application
◦Think about how you can present yourself in a few sentences.
‣ Try to say a lot about your qualities but do not overdo it too much.
◦Show that you are interested in the job and know something about the company and the field
◦Describe the exact position do you live
◦How big is the city or village
‣ How many people are living here
‣ What is the total area of it
◦Describe the surroundings
‣ Nature, hills, rivers, etc.
◦Have you moved from there?
‣ Why?
‣ Where are you living now?
◦Bus stations, train station, how far is by walk
◦Is the traffic frequent?
◦Are there any interesting places you would recommend to visit?
◦Are there any places you like to visit?
◦When was it founded?
‣ By whom?
◦Had your town any significance in the history?
◦Are there living some famous personalities?
‣ Or were they?
◦Think of it
◦Surroundings, politics, atmosphere, whatever you think of
◦You name it